Monday, December 20, 2010


so this is my bottom-right wisdom tooth and its huge!
my upper tooth which was taken out was not given to me by the dentist, i guess they threw it away? but that one had to be cut into half to get it out of my gums.

 this is my lower-right gum which was stitched up after removing my tooth and yeah, the hole is big


  1. OMMAIGODD! takot gila babe. macam mana u makan. bukan ke kalau ada lubang it will hurt so much. oh my, nape cabut? :(

  2. haha. takut mmg takut tp kalau dah sakit, kena juga cabut. my gigi geraham is pushing everything infront sbb my rahang kecik n tak muat, plus geraham i tumbuh melintang, thats the cause of the pain. i kena mkn pakai sbelah mulut aja, thats why sebelah kiri tak cabut lg, kang tak boleh mkn langsung and i've got stitches for the lubang (: braces are on the way

  3. selain menakutkan, ia nampak menyakitkan.
    haa, superwoman ((:

  4. tak berapa nak super sangat, balik rumah nangis2 sakit
