Monday, December 6, 2010


I've been having such a dreadful toothache for almost a week and today i finally went to the dentist. i'm so freaked out of going to the dentist since i've watched the famous horror movie "the dentist". i have a fear of dentists and instruments going into my mouth. but i couldn't stand the pain. oh listening to the drilling of a teeth made my hands sweat even in a cold air-conditioned room. i waited for almost half an hour, then the assistant opened the office door and said "kartini, your turn" with a smile. again i remind you, i hate dentists and the smell and the environment. 

so i went in, said hello to doctor Linda and she said "hi kartini" with a smirk, my heart was pounding like a drum. i laid down in the chair and told her my problem. the last time i went there was a year ago. she was looking in my mouth, putting in her small mirror thingy, then the water squirt and the water sucker vacuum thingy, yeah 3 things in my mouth which made me scared. its always about my wisdom tooth. she said, "i can't see any progress of your wisdom tooth from last year, except is getting worse". well in my head i was thinking, 'duhh its worse, if not i won't even be here in this freaky chair, saying aaaaaaah and opening my mouth wide enough for you to see every single bit of detail in my mouth'. 

well the problem about my wisdom tooth was this:  

you see the tooth on the right, well thats my bottom right wisdom tooth and look how its growing, SIDE WAYS! its pushing the teeth beside it and the others too and its terribly painful. and the wisdom tooth on my upper right is beginning to become that way. the dentist said, "dear, your jaws are so small, its pushing everything. the only solution is to have surgery and pull out the wisdom teeth". well that scared me enough, but after she googled around my mouth, she added, "before you feel the pain on your left wisdom teeth, i suggest you take out all four of your wisdom tooth". did you read that correct? she said TAKE OUT ALL FOUR. 

i dont mind the fact of pulling out those teeth because its at the back of my mouth and no one would even see it, but what bothers me is the pain after PULLING them out! 

those above are not my teeth but this is how long a wisdom tooth is. and and i forgot to add, the dentist said this to my mum "i cant do this because she needs to see a specialist and it's risky because the root of her tooth may be joined to her nerve and that can't have any mistakes to it". great, just great. lastly, she gave me antibiotics and what other stinky pill for me to take. if the swollen of my gum reduces and the pain fades away, im lucky. but if not, she will do me an x-ray then send me to the specialist in bangsar. if i pull out my teeth, my dad said i could wear braces to put them back in place but i'll think of that first, IF i could bare the pain AGAIN. 

and if i wear braces, i want it colorful like this :

cool right?

go download this movie  XD

enough about teeth. 

p/s: i swear this is true.

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